
“The only real treasure is in your head. Memories are better than diamonds and nobody can steal them from you”

I've been MIA from this blogging world and believe me, this time it was not because I have nothing to say. It was the other way around. A lot has happening in my life and this magical whirlwind is kind overwhelming me. I want to say a lot of things but also I want to say nothing. 

This time I want to share about my feeling towards some of my memories. What is memory? memory is something remembered from the past. A recollection of events that has been saved in your brain and can come up anytime you allow them to. There are good memories and bad memories. They can come up and haunt you anytime. Not only in your sleep but also when there's something that reminds you about those memories. I believe something become a memory because those things are stored in your brain as something special. That is why it can easily comes up especially when it's a good memory.

From the past week I experienced some events in my life that become quite memories to me. I still can't decide though if it's good or bad memories. Because when I remember them, I can feel really happy, wonderful, and sometimes can't believe that all those things happened but also really glad that all those things happened. But I'm confused as to why something like that only exists in my memory now when I know it could easily happen again in real life. What's the difference? I feel like I'm in twilight zone, and sometimes I feel so thankful to the person who gave me those memories for me to reminisce but also I want to strangle him because he gave them to me only to leave me confused as to why all those things happened then and can't happen now. You're probably really confused because I speak rather cryptically but I just want this to never become a problem to anybody but mine. Because those are my memories and even though there's someone who give them to me, I know that it's probably something that is not relevant to him or just something that is not worth remembering but obviously it's not the case for me. I still can go back and recall every single thing that happened in detail. Maybe because those things are stored in my brain as something special? I don't know. But do I really want to remember them as something special? probably.

In the end I feel like I should really be thankful for those memories. Because at least it happened once and I can still hold on to those things as long as I want to. Because memories are only for you to keep and nobody can steal them away from you. Maybe I should also be thankful to the person who gave them to me. It was unforgettable. You know who you are. Or not. Whatever. Bye.

Tata, xx

(For those who wondering the quotes on the title of this post is from Rodman Philbrick)

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