
“People can tell you to keep your mouth shut, but that doesn't stop you from having your own opinion.” ― Anne Frank

I’ve been wondering about something quite a lot these days. Do people realize what an opinion is? Opinion is something that you believe in I suppose. An opinion isn't right or wrong. It's your interpretation of a subject or situation. People can’t be wrong to have an opinion. So for that, an opinion is not a fact. Each people have their own opinion. Something they believe in and something that they can stand up for so they will not fall for just about anything. You probably have noticed that lately a lot of people have been abusing their freedom on the internet. Just because it’s their account so that they believe they have the liberty to write about anything and people can’t do a thing about it because it’s their opinion. It’s true in some way. But sometime they force their opinion on people because they believe what they say is true and people should believe it too. They will preach and rant about something but in a way that makes people uncomfortable and feel judged. I don’t know. Maybe it’s just me. They believe that the people who are not hold or believe the same value as they do are wrong and they are right so they are entitled to “teach” us who are different with them with their rant and to me it’s just so wrong.

As for me, my belief, my opinion towards something, or my standard in something is just something that is only for me to know and hold. Well, it’s true in some way, in other way sometimes we also have to tell people our opinion in something so that they know that we stand for what we believe in, we have personality, and that we are not just some sheep that always follow another sheep. Oh whatever I’m talking about. You get me. People don’t need to believe what I believe or hold the same value as I do or have the same standard in something just like myself because I don’t expect them to and we can still be friends and I won’t judge them. I mean it’s nice to have the people who hold the same value and have the same opinion as we do around but I don’t have to force my opinion on other people so when people do, I get irritated and just annoyed. Opinion don’t have to be right to someone else but it has to be right for yourself because it’s what you believe in and it’s your interpretation of subject or situation and you can tell how a person view the world by their opinion. A quote from Mark twain that is so spot on “I am not one of those who in expressing opinions confine themselves to facts.” I’m not the kind of people who are just so easily follow and believe something that people tell me but I’m far from narrow minded. I am human and absolutely makes mistake. So I‘m always open for suggestion, opinion, critics, and new knowledge but at the end of the day, what I will take and apply in my life is something that is for me to decide and people don’t have a say in it because it’s my life. I honestly only value the opinion of people who are actually matter to me such as my parents, family or friends who are actually know me and care about me. Other than that I won’t care about what you say. You are who you are and I am who I am. So those people who are always rant about something on their twitter or whatever and acting like they are above people who are not holding the same value as they do are just annoying. And no, with your passive- aggressive tweet you don’t look smart nor do you look wise. You are just irritating to me.

There’s a quotes from Hillary Clinton that said “I also learned that a person was not necessarily bad just because you did not agree with him, and that if you believed in something, you had better be prepared to defend it.” So I learned a long time ago that I will respect other people opinion especially the one that is different from mine and not judge them because it’s their right to speak up their opinion and I want others to respect mine. We can agree to disagree in opinion but at the end of the day you just have to stand for what you believe in. But don’t forget to keep your mind open so that you will learn from other’s opinion and aware of your mistake. I just don’t want to be the kind of people that always forces their opinion on others and be annoying about it.

“If someone isn't what others want them to be, the others become angry. Everyone seems to have a clear idea of how other people should lead their lives, but none about his or her own.” ― Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist. You know, don’t be the kind of people who are always have opinion towards other people’s life like it’s your job to comment on them meanwhile you don’t have the slightest bit idea of how to live yours. Just mind your business. Also people these days take this social media thing way too seriously. I mean, dude relax. And the anonymity that the social media can offer tends to make people say something without thinking even though their words can hurt people and start problem. Be careful people. Take it easy. These things are supposed to be a fun thing. And remember opinion is not something you can force on people. Just do whatever you have to do and believe whatever you want to believe in and cherish your life don’t care about other. “Don’t care” in here is not the kind of “don’t care” when you are being a jerk, heartless, and narrow minded. The last thing, I hope I make sense. Haha.

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