
Day #4

My zodiac sign and if I think its with with my personality? Let's see, I was born on 2nd September 1993 and My zodiac sign is Virgo. I'm not one to actually care about zodiac sign so i'm just going to try this out.

ü  A Virgo is very aware of the type of person they are, but still learns something new about themselves every day.
 I guess it's true in a way. I'm still learning about my self every day and trying to discover what kind of a person I am. But I still have no idea. So if you think that you know me, please let me know. I'd like to know more about my self.

ü  Virgos can tell when people are fishing for compliments, and we won't give it to them.
I do. Especially when a guy try to impress. But if it's necessary then I will give the compliment they deserves.

ü  It's the little things you do that'll make a Virgo fall in love.
Yeaap. Sometimes it's the little thing that people don't even notice but I do and make me fall in love with them.

ü  Virgos prefer to be alone when we get in one of our moods because we can get easily annoyed.
True. I don't like to be a whinny person and complain every single thing that annoy me so when I get annoyed I'd rather go somewhere where I can be alone so people can not bother me and my mood won't annoy people.

ü  Virgos are very good at reading people.
Yup I guess that is true. I somehow can "read" people and know what their true color or what their intention are. But since I'm not a fortune teller, it can be true but it also can be something that I'm not expecting at all.

ü  A Virgo could be so hurt and no one would ever know.
True again. I'm good at being on my own and I'm also good at hiding things, especially about my feeling.

ü  Virgos think so many crazy thoughts, but we know how to control ourselves.
You will never know what goes inside my head and what I'm trying to imagine most of the time and I can tell you most of them are random thoughts or something that doesn't even make sense. So I guess this is true.

ü  Virgos don't even know how to respond to foolishness. When we think someone or something is stupid we just get that blank stare.
Honestly this is so true. When I see something stupid or hear people say something stupid, I would roll my eyes or most of the time I would get that blank stare because I don't know what to do or what to say.

ü  Virgos fall hard when they find the right one.
I felt this once and yes when I love, I really love to the point that it takes a lot effort from my self to actually move on from that person. Even though eventually I will.

ü  Virgos often expresses their true feelings only to quickly cover them up with jokes.
Honestly this thing happens to me a lot these days hahaha.

ü  Virgos are funny without trying to be.
This is couldn't be further from the truth. I honestly don't think I'm funny and also don't think people find me funny. I'm really awkward but I do love funny people. Especially a guy.

ü  Virgos are crazy, just a subtle kind.
True I guess. I'm crazy alright.

ü  Virgos are simple people with complicated minds.
True again because I think a lot and most of the time I'm in my own world so people probably won't see that I'm actually  very complicated.

ü  Virgos hate to be compared to other people. 9 times out of 10 it will upset us.
I'm my own self and people have different abilities and all that so I guess that makes sense if I don't really like having people compare me to another people.

ü  Virgos most definitely uses google at least once a day. They constantly need to find out information.
Nope, that is not true because I use google to search about random thing more than once everyday. 

ü  Virgos can over think a small worry into a big one.
I think sometimes I can be very dramatic about something even though the problem is not really that big of a deal but like I said I mostly keep it with my self so people won't know about my problem.

ü  Virgos have a tremendous but hidden sex drive.
Hahahaha I don't even know If I have to agree with this one or not.

ü  When people ask dumb questions, virgos are obligated to give sarcastic answers.
Sarcasm is my third language after Bahasa and English so there you go.

So, do you think I'm a virgo?

Tata, xx

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