
Day #1

First day of the challenge, let's do this!

Introducing: I'm tata. Going to be 20 years old in about 2 months. I'm a dessert person. 
I love quirky stuff, Passionate in writing and living in a world where fictional character exists.
A big dreamer who wish that she could go anywhere riding a unicorn
Anything about early 20th century fascinate me.
Enough with the introduction now let's go the random facts about my self

Random fact #1
I sing to my self a lot. If I don't sing, I hum. I sing basically anywhere and anytime.
And sometimes I have to hold back the urge to sing out loud in class because I don't want to be a bother to anyone else. Also because I'm aware that I probably sound like a dying cat. Obviously.

Random fact #2
I love my "me" time more than any other time. The time when I prefer to be alone and just mind my own business. Either being absorbed in book, in music, or in my own thoughts. I enjoy going to the movies or to the bookstore alone. Because I agree with the saying "solitude is bliss".

Random fact #3
I love people watching. When I'm alone and sit somewhere where I can see people pass by in front of me, or watch them against the window, I tend to pay attention a lot to them and try to "read" them. My mind would wonder about anything that I could see in that person. 

Random fact  #4
I really want to have a cat but my mom decided that it's not a good idea for me to take care of other creature  when I still have a hard time to take care of my own self.

Random fact #5
Reading can affect my mood for the day. When it ends up being a sad ending it could make my mood sour. And when its happy ending I could be really happy I feel like I have no problem in the world.

Random fact #6
I prefer fruit to vegetable. That is why there's always some kind of fruit stocked in my fridge.

Random fact #7
I love gloomy weather. When the sky only filled with dark clouds and there is no sun and the wind breathe slowly against me.

Random fact #8
My name is a mixed names from my dad's, my mom's, and both of my grandpa's
Nurli is from my mom's last name, ta is from my dad's first name, Kahar is from my first grandpa's first name and then rani is from my second grandpa's first name. Awesome huh? Or weird.

Random fact #9
I hate being the center of attention. That is why I never felt the pleasure of talking in front of  a bunch of people.Their stare are sometime intimidates me and I hate that.

Random fact #10
I'm scared of getting older because I feel like I'm only good at being young. Just like John Mayer said in his song "stop this train".

Yay for the first challenge being accomplished! Hopefully the next day for the second one =]

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